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UK Mainland £9.95 for items under £49.96 (ex VAT)
Delivery is free for orders over £49.95 exc. VAT.
Orders valued at less than £49.95 exc. VAT incur a charge of £9.95.
To enable us to provide a professional service that is fit for purpose and delivers to you on the next working day, please note that this can only be achieved to your satisfaction if :-
- Orders are received BEFORE 3pm and
- Goods are available from stock.
Orders received BEFORE 3pm on Friday for goods in stock will be delivered on the following Monday.
Orders received AFTER 3pm on Friday for goods in stock will be processed the following Monday for delivery on the Tuesday.
We deliver to the UK mainland.
Deliveries can take place between 9am and 5.30pm.
Specific delivery times cannot be offered.
On the mainland extra charges may be incurred for delivery to remote postcodes. We assure you that you will be informed immediately if this applies and consequently your order will not be processed without your approval.
Deliveries will NOT be made to P.O. Box postcode addresses as we require a signature for goods received.
You will appreciate that goods can only be delivered to exact addresses. We appreciate your co-operation in providing a floor number as appropriate and an accurate postcode.
Orders received for non mainland addresses, eg Northern Ireland, The Channel Islands and Scottish islands, will be processed and charged as individual non standard orders.
Vouchers are delivered by Royal Mail. Please allow up to 7 days for delivery from the date of receipt of order.
The delivery of Rewards is dependent on several methods and may take up to 7 days from receipt of the order.
We use a specialist furniture logistics company for ALL furniture deliveries.
Our aim is to deliver within 48 hours of receipt of order but in some cases this may take up to 72 hours.
You will appreciate that furniture delivery is to ground floor only.
Delivery of safes is also ONLY to ground floor locations.
Free delivery assumes that there are no access problems and there may be an additional charge for other prevailing delivery conditions.
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